Duration of full NABH accrediation

Full NABH accreditation process is divided into various processes which have definite timelines to be adhered to. It starts with the registration process and ends when you receive the confirmation of receiving accreditation certification from the NABH authorities.

Sensitization of the staff and preparing for NABH application: This phase takes approximately 3 months

Registration & filling up the application form: 
Once your hospital is ready for applying, we help you register on the online portal for Full NABH and start filling up the application form. We have 21 days only to furnish all the required details. Hence, as your NABH consultants, we shall help you fulfill all the requirements before starting to fill up the application form so that we do not miss on the deadlines. 
Desktop Assessment:
NABH desktop assessment takes around 21 days. Incase there is any non-compliance noted during the same or any additional document is required, the hospital has only 7-15 days to furnish the compliance report. In case there are still some non-compliances, the hospital gets another 7 days. Hence, there are 2 cycles for complying with the non-conformities that may get raised during the desktop assessment
Physical Assessment:
After successful completion of the desktop assessment, the hospital shall receive a physical assessment date within 2-3 months. Now, it is up to the hospital to decide to plan Pre-assessment or directly go for Final assessment. The assessment dates are solely managed by NABH directly and are subject to availability of NABH assessors and other conditions.
The physical assessment depending upon the size of the hospital will be approximately 4 man days for small hospitals (SHCO) and 6 man days for large hospitals (HCO) upto 100 beds. Above 100 beds, the assessment days shall increase as per NABH guidelines.
Closing the Non-conformities
After successful completion of the physical assessment, the hospital will have a total 60 days to furnish the corrective and preventive actions report also known as “closure report” in response to the non-compliances raised by the assessor. The assessor shall review the same within 7-15 days and may again raise certain queries if they need further clarifications. So the hospital should make sure that both the cycles of closure report is completed within 60 days including the assessor’s review time. 
NABH Accreditation committee review meeting & Certification:
The review committee meets almost every month. Hence after submission of the closure report, it will take approximately 1-2 month’s time while the case is reviewed. Based on the evidence received, the hospital is awarded the NABH accreditation certificate. 
Hence, the approximate duration from initiating NABH accreditation process in the hospital till receiving the certificate is 9-12 months. However, with full support and cooperation of our hospitals, we have been able to complete the entire process in a record time of 7-8 months in some of our hospitals!